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Transistors BC-Serie - BC109

Datasheet BC109 Philips

Klik voor vergrotingAM Receiver
A small, simple AM receiver project with only 3 transistors. This circuit can pick up medium wave stations in your area.

Klik voor vergrotingCassette Preamplifier by transistor BC109
This is circuit Cassette Preamplifier. I used transistor BC109 main part electronics.
It is very easy pre amplifier for cassette tape or car audio.

Klik voor vergrotingControl sound automatic by BC109
This circuit is the sound controls automatic circuit, by it will fix to don’t give popularity level in the sound doesn’t expire. When feed sound signal reaches in this circuit , as a result , will have a signal, will the power goes up to flow through LED shine to LDR.

Klik voor vergrotingHeadphone Amplifier by Transistor BC109
Here is classic Headphone Amplifier because The important part of the circuit is Transistor BC109. I like this circuit it very good for play music classic.

Klik voor vergrotingInfrared Intruder Alarm
This the circuit warns the trespasser infrared system or Infrared Intruder Alarm circuit that interesting. By when there is a person passes or cut the light infrared. The system will clearly warn immediately.

Klik voor vergrotingLightning Detector Circuit
This DIY lightning detector circuit is a very sensitive static electricity detector that can provide an early warning of approaching storms from inter-cloud discharge well before an earth-to-sky return strike takes place.

Klik voor vergrotingSimple AM Transmitter
Here is the circuit diagram of a simple AM transmitter circuit that can transmit your audios to your backyard.

Creatie datum : 09/12/2012 @ 00:09
Laatste wijziging : 26/03/2019 @ 12:15
Categorie : Transistors BC-Serie
Pagina gelezen 22457 keren

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