13,8V / 15A aus einem PC-Schaltnetzteil durch DL2YEO Nachteilig bei den üblichen Netzteilen mit linearen Stellgliedern ist die hohe Verlustleistung, das grosse Volumen und ein dementsprechendes Gewicht. Auf der Suche nach einer Alternativen entschied ich mich für den Einsatz eines Schaltnetzteils. http://www.qrp4u.de/docs/de/powersupply/index.htm |
13.8V 20A linear power supply by XQ2FOD A semi-traditional power supply for communication equipment, using negative-rail regulation with grounded pass transistors in a configuration that gives some unique advantages. https://ludens.cl/Electron/Ps20/Ps20.html |
13.8V 20A power supply by CT2GQV I have this project for finish since 2002, it was for some time built but I didn't like the original schematic and now I changed. The original schematic was based on a LM7812 but that creates problems isolating the output transistors (2n3055, what else!). Now it's a more elegant solution based on a 7912 for voltage "control". http://speakyssb.blogspot.com/2010/11/138v-20a-power-supply.html |
20 Amp Power Supply by VK4BY This power supply is the result of the use of components at hand (junk box). The core of the project is a number of 2N3055 transistors and a transformer with a 16 volt 18 amp secondary winding. http://radarclub.tripod.com/Homebrew.htm#20Amp |
20A (and more) - 13,8V Power Supply by IZ7ATH An other one ???? ...... Yes.
The starting problem was to recycle some things: chassis, transfomer, heat sinks etc: what to do? A power supply, of course ! This time I've stabilized the negative side using 6 cheap 2N3055 with collector directly mounted on the chassis. http://www.qsl.net/iz7ath/web/02_brew/20_ps7912/index.htm |
600 VOLTS POWER SUPPLY FOR QRO Amateur Radio Transmitters using valves such as 807 or1625 works well with a plate voltage between 600V to 700 Volts.The circuit described here is a full wave voltage doubler. The output voltage is twice the input voltage. For 230V AC input the output will be nearly 600 Volts. http://www.flashwebhost.com/circuit/600_volt_power_supply.php |
A Complete 13.8 Volt, 20 Amp PSU by G4KUB This article was originally published in the September 1987 issue of “Amateur Radio Magazine” and was presented in two parts. It was felt at the time that the format of the article, the art work and the way it was published never gave full justice to this project. http://warc.org.uk/?page_id=404 |
A Low Cost Lab Power Supply by F3WM A stabilized power supply is a very usefull device for an amateur radio when performing tests on his home made designs. http://www.qsl.net/f3wm/radio/lab_supply.html
Build A 10 Amp 13.8 Volt Power Supply by N1HFX Sometimes amateurs like to home-brew their power supplies instead of purchasing one off the shelf at any of the major ham radio retail dealers. The advantage to rolling your own power supply is that it teaches us how they work and makes it easier to troubleshoot and repair other power supply units in the shack. https://www.high-voltage-lab.com/70/10-amp-138-volt-power-supply |
Build a 13.8V, 40A Switching Power Supply by XQ2FOD This article was originally published (in a slightly modified form) in the QST magazine, December 1998 and January 1999, and in the Radio Amateur's Handbook, 1999. https://ludens.cl/Electron/PS40/PS40.html |
Compact Variable Power Supply by VK4BY This is a handy little power supply that can provide a voltage range of 1.25 to 13 volts and current up to 500 mA. http://radarclub.tripod.com/Homebrew.htm#Compact
Done from old power supply by LY3LP http://sa555.blogspot.com/2010/04/done-from-old-power-supply.html |
Power Supply by GØUPL Everyone needs a power supply. This simple one shows the general principles. The first step is to select a transformer suited to your need. The primary should be for the correct mains voltage in your country. http://www.hanssummers.com/psu.html |
Power supply 12V/20A by OK1AYU In fact there is nothing special on this power supply except of doubling the voltage for the control circuit. The surplus military transformer has only two 15V/25A windings. That's quite enough for getting the output DC voltage of 12-13V, but the control circuit with L200 needs a bit more. https://www.qsl.net/ok1ayu/projects/zdroj.htm |
Stabilized and Secure Power Supply by IZ7ATH Yet an other one? Yes. It's a stabilized power supply (13V variable-5A) with protection for short cut and high output voltage; It was born because I needed a "secure" power supply for all my TNC-modems (RF feedback, short-cut,high voltage etc.); http://www.qsl.net/iz7ath/web/02_brew/16_alim/pag01_en.htm |
Zelfbouwvoeding door PAØWST Wim PAØWST heeft in het verleden een fantastisch schema ontworpen, waarbij met allerlei zaken rekening wordt gehouden. Te denken valt aan spanning regelbaar, stroom instelbaar, kortsluitvast, printbaanbeveiliging door stroom terug te regelen bij een te grote spanningsval, etc. etc. http://www.pi4rcg.nl/zelfbouw/zelfbouw-wst-voeding/ |