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Shack Accessoires - Audio

A simple 2-tone-generator for testing the linearity of SSB transmitters by DK7IH
This device is as simple as useful. With 2 transistors and an oscilloscope it is fairly easy to test the linearity of your SSB transmitter. The 2-tone-method is a standarized test method that can be used to determine the maximum output and the amplification characteristics of a sideband transmitter.

Mosfet headphone amplifier by PA2RF
Using only 12 components you can build your own 1-channel headphone amp. You can use it to connect it to the audio output of your CD- or MP3- player. Also it can be used as a final stage in your receiver designs.

The HZX Headphone Adapter by N1BYT
Looking for a pair of high-quality, high-impedance headphones for that crystal radio project? Build the HZX headphone adapter and use your Walkman-style headphones instead!

WSPR VOX for the FT-817 by ZL4SAE
Having recently acquired an FT-817 I was interested in trying it in WSPR mode. It didn’t take much research to discover that the DATA connector on the rear panel has bi-directional audio, labelled as data. PTT is also available on the same connector. Unfortunately there is no VOX capability when using this port.

Zero-Beat Tuning Aid by MB>N5ESE
Whether you're tone deaf, or just a geezer like myself, you might benefit with this handy little tuning aid. Connect it in parallel with your speaker or headphones. When you're ready to zero-beat the station calling CQ, press the pushbutton. ...

Creatie datum : 22/09/2007 @ 10:57
Laatste wijziging : 18/08/2024 @ 18:53
Categorie : Shack Accessoires
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