40m High Power Mag Loop Tuner by G8ODE The photograph on the left shows the mag loop's set up using heavy-duty insulated copper braid in the "Safari" location (aka in my back garden). The “Army Loop” tuner is at the bottom of the loop, with the Yaesu FT817 and external battery pack next to it. https://rsars.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/40m-high-power-mag-loop-tuner-iss-1-3.pdf
50 MHz (6 Meter) Tuner Circuits by AA3SJ I own an Yaesu FT-817 that I wanted to use on 6 meters but none of my antenna tuners could match my antenna setup for that band. http://www.qsl.net/aa3sj/Pages/50MHz-Tuner.html
A 40m through 17m Mini End-Fed Halfwave Antenna Coupler by AA5TB A few years ago I built a little Rock-Mite transceiver for 40m. Since I enjoy using End-Fed Halfwave antennas so much I built a small coupler to use with my Rock-Mite. http://www.aa5tb.com/coupler2.html
A Mini Tuner for HF by K2JHU This tiny tuning unit was descibed in the October 1995 edition of 73 magazine and will match from 80 - 10 metres, unbalanced. John has modified it by incorporating a balun and would send details of the unit if required. http://www.zerobeat.net/g3ycc/minitnr.htm
A Multi-type (L - PI - T ) "one-box" Antenna Tuner by SV1BSX My antenna tuner working perfect with any type of antenna from 80 up to 10 meters and I'm running about 150 Watts on the key without problem for many years. https://www.qsl.net/sv1bsx/tuner/tuner.html
A Single Coil Z-Match by G3WQW This ATU was described by G3WQW in Sprat 84 and being balanced can accomodate balanced line, open wire feeder or 300 ohm slotted. 250pF polyvaricon capacitors can be used for up to 15 watts, and a T130-2 toroid. http://www.zerobeat.net/g3ycc/zmatch.htm
Altoids Longwire Antenna Tuner by KD1JV Altoids Longwire Tuner. Or, the ALT, designed by noted QRP designer Steve Weber, KD1JV is a simple, yet effective tuner that will tune long wires on 40 - 10 Meters. https://www.qrpkits.com/altoidslongwire.html
Altoids L-tuner by PA3HCM I found a czech webshop, offering a kit called “Altoids L-tuner”. This kit perfectly fits in such an Altoid tin. Since this tuner would be a perfect add-on for my 30m QRP transceiver, I immediately ordered it. https://www.pa3hcm.nl/?p=858
Antenna Tuning Unit by GŘUPL This Antenna Tuning Unit also incorporates a 50-ohm QRP dummy load, power meter (1 or 10 Watts full scale), and SWR meter! I have used this ATU for a variety of longwire antennas, including outdoor antennas of various lengths ... http://www.hanssummers.com/atu.html
Homebrew Antenna Tuner by AA5TB For years I've thrown together simple antenna tuners to get me on the air when needed. Whenever I would go to a sidewalk sale or hamfest I would pick up any components that might someday come in handy to make a tuner. http://www.aa5tb.com/tuner.html
Homebrew C-L-C QRP Antenna Tuner by 7N3WVM This is a C-L-C type tuner with a reflected power indicator. Tuning is done for minimum reflected power. Forward power indicator is omitted because I know the output power of my transceiver anyway. http://www.qsl.net/7n3wvm/tuner-mini.html
Modified Z Match ATU by G4RGN This simple aerial tuning unit was described by Doug G4RGN in Sprat 78 and is a useful modification of the Z match. It uses a parallel circuit for 30 - 80 and a series tuned arrangement for the bands up to 10 metres. http://www.zerobeat.net/g3ycc/g4rgn.htm
QRP 30m through 17m End-Fed Halfwave Antenna Coupler/SWR bridge by AA5TB One of my favorite single band portable antennas is the end fed halfwave antenna . Such an antenna requires a special coupling network to properly couple my 50 ohm coax to the antenna's high impedance (~5000 ohms). http://www.aa5tb.com/coupler.html
QRP HF Antenna Match (160m-6m) by G3WME QRP Antenna Match was originally designed for the Yaes13FT-817 Transceiver. The QRP ATU was set up and tested using The ICOM 735 on 5 Watts, I also checked that it would handle 10 watts safely before using it with the FT817. https://rsars.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/qrp-hf-ant-match-80-10-g3wme1.pdf
QRP Mag Loop Tuner (80 –20m) by G8ODE If plagued by local QRM, lack of space or tall masts for a full-sized 80 or 40m dipole, the magnetic loop antenna may prove to be a useful alternative. It is relatively simple to make, does not depend on a good ground and operates well at low heights over short, medium and long
distances. https://rsars.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/qrp-loop-tuner-80-20m-g8ode-iss-1-32.pdf
QRP Tuner by OK4BX I plan participate in QRP contest on lower bands from portable QTH. For this purpose I was considering what type of antenna use and finally I decided build QRP tuner for my 817 will be good idea. http://www.qsl.net/aa3sj/Pages/Whip.html
QRP Z-Match Tuner (40 –10m) by G8ODE The Z Match is really a basic L Match consisting of a series capcitor C2a+C2b and variable shunt inductor L1 that is coupled
to the antenna using the RF transformer action of L1/L2. The variable shunt inductor is created from fixed shunt inductor L1
connected in parallel with a variable capacitor C1a+C1b. https://rsars.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/qrp-z-match-40-10m-iss-1-3.pdf
S-Match Tuner door PE1KQP Veel amateurs denken dat voor QRP kleine antennes en kleine tuners gebruikt kunnen worden, maar dit is een foute gedachte.
Je hebt maar weinig vermogen dus het rendement van je installatie moet maximaal zijn, dit geldt voor de gebruikte tuner en antenne.
Voor draadantennes en voedingslijnen gebruiken we zo dik mogelijk koperdraad en geen ijzerdraad, http://pa0ebc.nl/pe1kqp/indexc8b5.html?page=smatchtuner
Short Whip Antenna Tuner by AA3SJ Here is a circuit that will resonate a short whip antenna for the HF Bands. There is very little information about tuning a short whip on the net that I could find so I thought I'd post it here. http://www.qsl.net/aa3sj/Pages/Whip.html
Small HF Mag-Loop & Antenna Tuner (40m-17m) by G3WME Two Loops have been used with this Tuner, both described further on in this document. Loop No. 1 : 4 metre loop made from 15mm diameter copper water pipe Loop No. 2 : 3-4 metre loop made from either 3 or 4 one metre length of 20m wide aluminium strips. https://rsars.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/40-17m-small-hf-mag-loop-antenna-tuner-g3wme-1-31.pdf
SPC Antenna Tuner (160m-6m) by G3WME The tuner’s inductor is wound on a 40mm white plastic drain pipe using black insulated multi-strand wire 24/0.2
overall diam 2.05mm. The capacitors are air-spaced 500pF of the variety used in domestic radios. https://rsars.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/spc-antenna-tuner-160m-6m-g3wme-1-31.pdf
Super Tee Antenna Tuner by W3TS Seven slide switches and seven separate inductors are used to get a wide range of inductance while keeping a high Q. Thus, the tuner losses are very low, an important consideration in QRP operation. http://www.qsl.net/aa3sj/Pages/SuperTee.html
The 'Carlton' - a Portable Antenna Matching Unit by GW4ALG
When I started going 'bicycle portable' with my Elecraft K2 QRP transceiver, it became apparent that I needed a single unit that would provide the combined functions of dummy load; SWR bridge; multi-band antenna tuning unit (ATU) [or, more correctly, antenna matching unit]; and balun. https://www.4alg.uk/radio/qrp/port_atu.htm
The Ultimate Transmatch by W1ICP Some amateurs assume that because they use coaxial feed lines they don't need a Transmatch. This can be an incorrect assumption, and we'll try to show why in this article. http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Technology/tis/info/pdf/7007024.pdf
Z-match ATU covering 160m–10m by MŘEZP As a new Ham, I put up a homebrew 40m coaxial dipole which wouldn’t even give me a good SWR on 40m! In frustration I looked around for an appropriate ATU circuit to build. http://m0ezp.squirrelhouse.biz/z-match-atu-covering-160m-10m/
Z-match for QRP by PAŘCMU The Z-match is a very popular antenna tuner in the world of QRP hams. Surfing the internet pages you can find kits like the NorCal's Balanced Line Tuner and the commercial ZM-2 sold by Emtech™. https://pa0cmu.nl/antenna.html