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15m Projekten - Antenne's

15m Asymmetrical Antenna by G3EFY
This mono-band antenna that can be constructed with either with a 1 wavelength (44ft) or 1½ wavelength (66ft) top section. In either case the feedpoint is 11ft from one end.

21,28MHz shortened dipole antenna (pipe type) by JA1HWO

21,28MHz shortened dipole antenna (wire type) by JA1HWO

21MHz Hentena by JA1HWO

21MHz small space 2EL YAGI by JA1HWO

21MHz squalo antenna by JA1HWO

3 Half Wave 15 Meter Doublet (in phase) by KC8AON
For a good multiband ( 10 thru 40 meters ) antenna, try a 3 half waves in phase doublet for 15 meters.
It is derived by using the formula for the G5RV, but substituting 21 Mhz in place of the usual 14 Mhz.

A Light and Sturdy Quad for 10 and 15 meters by KA3PDM & W3/CE3VU
Fishin' for DX? A few fishin' poles and a hank of wire can help you snag the Big One!

A Small Transmitting Loop Antenna for 14MHz and 21MHz by VK5BR
By definition, the small transmitting loop has a circumference less than one quarter of a wavelength. Because of its small size, it is possibly an attractive proposition for someone with inadequate space to erect a larger aerial.

The 10/15/20 Meter Trap Vertical Antenna by KGØZZ
This antenna project came out very nice. It's a rugged homebrew multi-band trap vertical antenna that works the 10, 15, and 20 meter amateur radio bands. The antenna can be mounted on the ground or on a mast.

The Cylinder Dipole by PA1B
The cylinder dipole has proven to be a very small indoor HF-antenna. The cylinder dipole with two Monster energy drink cans and a coil is easy to build and is working fine on 15 m.

The HF Satellite Antenna by W4SAT
This is a no compromise dual band antenna. Instead of using traps, this design interlaces two separate antennas on one boom. This is a full size, four element beam on 10, and three elements on 15 meters!

Ultra-short whip antenna for 2 bands by JA1HWO

Zippiro Vortex by IZ7DJR

Creatie datum : 13/08/2007 @ 22:43
Laatste wijziging : 06/08/2024 @ 21:27
Categorie : 15m Projekten
Pagina gelezen 27099 keren

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