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20m Projekten - Zenders

14,068 Mhz bilateral transmitter by LY3LP
Some MOSFET's BS170 requires a resistance from source to gate. It should be approx.3kOhm and needed to be individually selected. Coils on ring T37-6 are tuned for resonance , then TX signal is clear.Output power is abt 50mW ,if my power meter shows correctly. It easily lights LED , telegraphing tone also is clear.

3 stage BS170 14MHz TX by LY3LP

Bilateral 14,096 Mhz TX by LY3LP
G3ESP ideas...a wide range VXO...

BS 170 FET...two stage QRP 14,068 MHz TX by LY3LP

BS170 simple 14 Mhz CW TX by LY3LP

LA1185 QRP 14MHz TX by LY3LP

Parallel BS170 14,068 MHz TX by LY3LP

QRP AM(cw) Transmitter for the 20 meterband RE-TX02HF20 by ON6MU
In this project, you will make a simple low-power broadcast-type circuit, using a crystal oscillator integrated circuit and an a collector modulated AM oscillator.

QRP Zender met VXO door PA2OHH
Normaal hebben deze ontwerpen maar twee transistoren: een is de oscillator en de tweede is de eindversterker. Een goed voorbeeld is mijn eerste QRP rig die ook ergens op deze site beschreven is. Hier heeft de VXO (Variabele X-tal Oscillator) een afstembereik van 16 kHz.

SA 612 QRP 14MHz TX by LY3LP

SSB Transmitter by SMØVPO
This project is relatively simple to construct, and will give a "presentable" SSB signal on the lower HF amateur bands.

SOVINA Transmissor CW Classe "E" por PY2OHH
Baseado nos artigos e projetos do David Cripe NMØS, desenhamos um transmissor simples de CW muito parecido como pão-duro, mas os valores dos componentes são muito proximos do real e nos prototipos de 40 e 20m se comportaram bem.

This project has two different inputs, one for 600Hz FSK and one for keying the oscillator. It is based upon a crystal so the HF stability is excellent.

Tunnel diode QRP/p 14 060 Mc TX by LY3LP

Creatie datum : 12/08/2007 @ 21:10
Laatste wijziging : 05/08/2024 @ 19:18
Categorie : 20m Projekten
Pagina gelezen 30586 keren

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