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40m Projekten - Vertikale Antenne's

“Safari” 40-30m Roach Poke Vertical Antenna by G3RWF
There is nothing new in this short article but it may stir a few practical ideas. My efforts are all about minimum weight since I need to get it on a plane. I have quite a few roach poles but only take one on my foreign jaunts.

40 m short vertical by IZ3AYQ
Antenna for restricted space; also an invisible antenna.

40 Meter Vertical door PE1KQP
Voor de 40 meterband heb ik een 21meter lange antenne gemaakt die op een isolator staat.
Deze antenne wordt gevoed door een 600 ohm lijn van 10 meter lengte, in principe is het een zepp. die vertikaal staat.

40m Compact 4-Square Antenna by EA5AVL
The EA5AVL 40M Compact 4-Square Antenna was designed to provide excellent DX communications on the 40m band, utilising readily available components and be relatively easy to construct.

40m Quarter Wave Vertical End Fed Antenna by G8ODE
This antenna requires a good earthing system. Twelve 4m wires were buried in the lawn by using a spade to create a slit to drop the wire into. Later an additional 10m surface wire was added to bring the SWR down to 1.25:1 reading.

40m Vertical by PA3HCM
During the PACC contest in 2009 we missed a good performing antenna for 40m. So during the preparation for this contest in 2010 I built a dedicated vertical for 40m.

A 40 Meter Vertical Antenna for Small Spaces by W6NBC
I wanted a high efficiency 40 meter antenna with a low-angle radiation pattern for working DX. A vertical antenna seemed the obvious solution because verticals are low-angle radiators.

A Homebrew 40M Vertical with Elevated Radials by W1DYJ
Verticals are relatively easy to build, but they do have limitations. The parts are easy to find and bring home – no big parts to ship. They can be built and erected by one person, at least on 40M and down. They have RF launch angles low to the horizon, great for DX.

Full 1/4 wave vertical for 40m by ON7AMI
To construct the antenna, I used 6 tubes of each 2m length. Starting at 10mm diameter for the top and ending with 36 mm at the foot. To assemble the rods I made a cut in the top of each tube.

High-Efficiency 40m Vertical Without Radials by W6NBC
This shortened easy-to-build vertical, with no-radials, is made from surplus military camouflage poles. It has gain and wave angle comparable to a full-sized ¼λ ground plane antenna with radials.

Portable Vertical Antenna for 75m & 40m by VE2AZX
Portable Antenna for 75m et 40m; Low radiation angle for DX; Efficient; Easy to install. Max height: 30 ft. Easy match to 50 ohms

Additional Info on the Portable Vertical Antenna by VE2AZX
Decide where the vertical will be located and plant the first metallic post in the earth. Insert the PVC insulator on top of the post.

Vertical Antenna for 7.05 MHz by DF9CY
In 2006 I operated on 40m with a vertical antenna for a while. The lower end was about 2m above ground and the top of the antenna reached a little over 12m. This gave me a full size antenna for the 40m band.

Vertical Dipole For 40M (And Higher) by KGØZZ
An advertisement for the i-Pole by Proantennas on the WIMO Homepage made me curious and I decided to give that antenna system a try too. My primary interest was a lightweight portable vertical antenna for 40m, as for 20m - 10m I use my C-Poles.

Creatie datum : 12/08/2007 @ 18:21
Laatste wijziging : 04/08/2024 @ 20:38
Categorie : 40m Projekten
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